Friday, November 12, 2010

The help

Hannah is eating rice cereal now and big sister is oh-so-eager to lend a helping hand. It's like playing baby doll come to life! We may be just a tad bit enthusiastic forceful with the spoon, but... our heart is certainly in the right place. Lucy is all about baby sister right now -- she shares her lovey when Hannah starts crying, smothers her with goodnight kisses, and wants to help me change her diaper. I even caught her "reading" Hannah a book the other night (complete with showing the pictures like a librarian at story time) while I put away laundry. Fingers crossed that these warm & fuzzy feelings continue to permeate our household and that Hannah survives all of Lucy's "help" with her limbs fully intact.

Lucy showing baby sister how to eat with a spoon -- she's a pro!

Hannah's not completely sure what to think about this new taste/texture, but she's slowly getting the hang of it.

P.S. Would you just look at that sweet baby skin and those rubber-band thighs? Swoon!

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