Sunday, October 4, 2009

Little pink riding hood

Fall is coming! Well... it's a little cooler now than it was a few weeks ago anyway. Hooray!!! Of course, I had to take this off of her right after this picture was snapped because it was too big. We're experiencing a bit of a wardrobe conundrum right now -- most of Lucy's summer clothes are now too snug and are season inappropriate, but a majority of her fall clothes are still too big and it's still too hot to wear long sleeves.

And yes, I do in fact realize that a vast majority of the pictures I've taken of Lucy lately are of her in the high chair, but it seems like that's the only spot I can get her to be still! Baby girl loves to eat. And from the looks of this picture, she's figuring out the whole posing thing when she sees the camera flash. Would you like some ham with that cheese? :)


Lesley said...

I love this picture of Lucy!!! I love her smile!

Whetstones said...

1. Love the pink. 2. Lucy's teeth in this are great. 3. Look at that shiny hair! She is so beautiful.