Tuesday, February 3, 2009

He got game

Andrew has experienced a bit of a hard year trying to get the new band program at his middle school off the ground. In addition to the school having been without a music program of any sort for about 8 years, the kids have to share their instruments because there are not enough to go around and they can't afford to buy them (and therefore can't take them home to practice), several of kids seem to find themselves in trouble or suspended every week... You get the idea.

So, it was really fun to get to see Mr. Powers and his kids in action this week -- they were the featured entertainment afterschool during halftime of the girls and boys basketball games. I took off a little early from work and snatched Lucy from daycare so we could catch Daddy in action. He did a great job and his students had a lot of fun and seemed super proud of themselves. It might have been their only chance to perform this year, so I'm really glad we got to be there.

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